Welcome on board to all College of Engineering students.

 Welcome on board to all College of Engineering students.

Welcome to the engineering library! We're thrilled to have you here. Whether you're an engineering student, faculty member, or researcher, we have a wide variety of resources to support your work and research.

Our library contains an extensive collection of engineering books, journals, technical reports, and other materials. We also have access to online resources, including databases, e-books, and journals, that can provide you with the latest research and information in your field. In addition to our collections, we offer a range of services to help you make the most of our resources. Our knowledgeable librarians can help you locate specific resources, provide research assistance, and answer any questions you may have. We also have study spaces available where you can work quietly, collaborate with others, or access our computer workstations.

We're committed to helping you succeed in your academic and professional endeavors, and we hope that you find our library to be a valuable resource. Please feel free to reach out to our librarian Puan Rizana Mohd Radwan (rizana405@uitm.edu.my) or using Chat With Librarian (https://ptar.uitm.edu.my/libchat).


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