STAY CONNECTED: Join Our Information Literacy Class - LSC 100 Introduction to Library System

Do you want to identify suitable information resources for your assignment / research writing easily ?? Let's Join Our Online Literature Class. It is FREE. The session will be conducted hands-on for 2-3 hours according to selected modules. Faculties are encouraged to arrange the session for their students, especially those who are doing literature searches for their research. The depth and breadth of the content will be justified according to our audience or upon your request. We will also entertain requests from individuals or groups. How to Apply: Login to ekkm booking system: Read more on eResources eKKM at Chat With Librarian: *Our Librarian on duty is available and ready to assist you at any time (Monday-Friday | 8:30 am - 4:45 pm & Saturday-Sunday | Closed) Like, follow and subscribe us FB: Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak Kejuruteraan IG: ptar3uitm Twitter: pkejuitm Telegram: PTAR Kejuruteraan Posted : farid
