STAY CONNECTED: Explore eResources EIKON Inbox

Explore eResources EIKON during Open & Distance Learning (ODL). EIKON is a financial economic data source and analysis tool. It consists of company and market related data. Free to access by login through EzAccess to or directly to the databases for your own perusal at : Eikon Description: For more information, you may contact your Reference Librarian at our campuses or email to our chat with librarian at: *Our Librarian on duty is available and ready to assist you at any time (Monday-Friday | 8:30 am - 4:45 pm & Saturday-Sunday | Closed) Like, follow and subscribe us FB: Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak Kejuruteraan IG: ptar3uitm Twitter: pkejuitm Telegram: PTAR Kejuruteraan Posted : farid
