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Don't miss out the opportunity to become 🌟STAR of the Month 🌟. Students / Staff who use the highest library services by category will be announced as Star of the Month every month. The winner will be announced on the Library's social media, PTAR Portal and Library Official Email. Usage statistics will be calculated starting October 27, 2020. Users who are announced as Star of the Month will be given a Certificate of Appreciation. The first Star of The Month announcement is in December 2020. Award Category: 1. Top Borrower (Students & Staff) 2. Highest MyKM Usage (Students & Staff) 3. Highest OPAC Usage (Students & Staff) 4. Highest EQPS Usage (Students & Staff) Read more: UiTM Star Of The Month Library https://tinyurl.com /LibraryUiTM-Star-Of-The-Month Like, follow and subscribe us FB: https://www.facebook.com/ptarKEJ/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/ptar3uitm/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pkejuitm Telegram: https://t.me/ptarkejuruteraan Website: https://pkej.library .uitm .edu .my/
