E-resources Khazanah Melayu Repository

Discover our eResources Khazanah Melayu Repository. Khazanah Melayu Repository is a new repository for Malay collections and a reference for the study of Malay culture and institutions. Free to access for your own perusal at : http://melayu.library.uitm .edu.my/ Chat With Librarian : https://ptar.uitm .edu.my/libchat/ *Our Librarian on duty is available and ready to assist you at any time (Monday-Friday | 8:30 am - 4:45 pm & Saturday-Sunday | Closed) Like, follow and subscribe us FB: https://www.facebook.com/ptarKEJ/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/ptar3uitm/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pkejuitm Telegram: https://t.me/ptarkejuruteraan Website: https://pkej.library .uitm .edu .my/
